Monday, July 27, 2020

User Creation on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today we will learn how to create a user on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central.

Go to the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Administration --> IT Administration --> General --> Users.

Step 1:

Click on the button New

Step 2:

Enter the necessary information.

UsernameEnter user's username
Full NameEnter the user full name
License TypeEnter the user license type
StateEnter the status of the user
Expiry DateEnter a expiry date on the user account
Contact MailEnter user email address
Window Authentication
Window User nameIf you want to use the user name from the active directory.
Access Control Service Authentication
ACS Access StatusLet it disable
Business Central Password Authentication
PasswordIf you are not using AD username, you can set the password of the user
User must change password at next loginIf you want user change password when the login for the first time. This is applicable only for non AD Username
Web Service Access
Web Service Access KeyEnter the web service access key if you have
Web Service Expiry DateEnter the web service expiry date.
Office 365 Authentication
Authentication EmailIf you want to link user office 365 account, enter user email
Application IDEnter the application ID
Mapped to exchange identifierIf you want to mapped nav to exchange identifier
Authentication StatusThis is the authentication status
User Group
CodeEnter the user group code
NameName of the user group will appear automatically
CompanyChoose the company the user need to get access
User Permission Sets
Permission SetEnter the permission set of the user
DescriptionThe name of the permission will display automatically
CompanyChoose the company the user need to get access
Extension NameThis field will remain blank
Permission ScopeThis field will default to system

Click on OK to close

Friday, July 24, 2020

Fixed Asset Reclassification Journals on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today's we will learn how to do a reclassification journal for fixed asset. The aim of doing this is sometime users regroup many fixed asset in one fixed asset and something when they wish to dispose some fixed asset from that group they are not been able to do so because disposal is done fully not partially. To dispose the small quantity of asset, what can be done is to transfer these fixed asset to another asset and dispose it completely. To transfer a fixed asset to another fixed asset you need to do it on reclassification journal.

To access the journal go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Fixed Asset --> FA Reclass. Journal.

FA Posting DateEnter the posting date
Document NoIf no series is set up it will generate automatically else put it manually
FA No.Enter the original fixed asset number
New FA NoEnter the new fixed asset number
Depreciation Book CodeEnter the depreciation book code
DescriptionName of the original fixed asset will display there, you can enter a description manually
Reclassify Acq Cost %Enter the percentage amount you wish to transfer
Reclassify Acquisition CostIf you want to reclassify the acquisition cost checked this field
Reclassify DepreciationIf you want to reclassify the depreciation cost checked this field
Reclassify Write-DownIf you want to reclassify the write down cost checked this field.

Then Click on the button Reclassify.

Click OK to close.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Revaluation of item cost on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today's tutorial is about evaluating item, revaluation is done when the user wishes to evaluate its inventory due to price changes and inflation in the market.

To do the revaluation go on the following menu.

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Inventory --> Costing --> Revaluation Journals.

Step 1:

Click on the button Calculate Inventory Value

Step 2:

Fill the pop up filter.

a.) Enter the posting date.
b.) Enter a document number
c.) Calculate per item ledger entry
d.) Enter the Item No.

Step 3:

Enter the unit Cost you wish to revaluate.

Then Amount, Unit Cost (calculated), Inventory value (calculated) will be calculated automatically.

Step 4: 

Click on Post validate the revaluation.

Click on OK to close and go to your item card and check the unit cost.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Creation of Sales Quote on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

today we will learn how to create a sales quote. The aim of doing that is that some company they give quotation to client upon approval of quotation then they convert the sales quote to a sales order.

Step 1:

To create a sales quote go on the following menu

Main Menu --> Department --> Sales & Marketing --> Order Processing --> Sales Quotes.

Step 2:

Click on the button New

Step 3:

Enter the following Information.

Customer NoEnter the customer number
Customer NameThe name of the customer will display automatically
External Document NoEnter any important number related to the quotation
AddressAddress of the customer will display automatically
Address 2Address of the customer will display automatically
CityCity of the customer will display automatically
Post CodePost Code will display automatically
Country/RegionCountry will display automatically
Contact NoIf the customer has a contact person enter the contact number
ContactThe Contact person name will display automatically
Customer Template CodeIf the customer has a template code enter it
Order dateEnter the order date
Document DateEnter document date
Quote Valid to DateEnter the validity date of the quotation
Due DateDue date will be calculated automatically
Requested Delivery DateEnter the delivery date
Your ReferenceEnter any reference you have
Salesperson Codeif you have sales person code enter it to show which sales person has work  on the quote
Campaign NoEnter campaign number
Opportunity NoEnter Opportunity number
Responsibility CenterEnter Responsibility center
Assign User IdIt will show who has created this sales quote
StatusIt shows the status of the quote
Work DescriptionIf you have any other description, you can enter it.

TypeEnter the Type
NoEnter the type number
DescriptionThe name of the type will appear automatically
Location CodeEnter the location code
QuantityEnter the quantity
Unit of MeasureEnter the unit of measure
Unit Price Excl VATEnter the unit price
Line Amount Excl VATQuantity * Unit price
Line Discount %If you want to give  line discount percentage
Line Discount AmountIf you want to give a line discount amount
VAT Prod Posting GroupEnter the VAT type

Invoice Details
Currency CodeEnter the currency code if the the quote is foreign
Shipment DateEnter shipment date
Prices Including VATIf the VAT is included in price
VAT Bus. Posting GroupEnter VAT business posting group
Payment Terms CodeEnter the payment terms code
Transaction TypeEnter the transaction type
Payment Discount %Enter any discount % on payment
Pmt. Discount DateEnter the date of the payment discount
Location CodeEnter location code.

Shipping and Billing
Ship-toIf you want to ship the item to another location
Code    Enter the location Code
NameThe name of the location will display
AddressThe address of the location will display
Address 2The address of the location will display
CityCity of the location will display
Post CodePost code of the location will display
Country/RegionCountry of the location will display
ContactIf the location has a contact person enter the contact no
Shipment Method CodeEnter the shipment method code
AgentEnter the agent
Agent ServiceEnter the agent service
Package Tracking NoEnter the package tracking number
Bill-toIf you want to bill another customer
NameEnter the name of the customer
AddressAddress of the customer will display automatically
Address 2Address of the customer will display automatically
CityCity of the customer will display automatically
Post CodePost code of the customer will display automatically
Country/RegionCountry of the customer will display
Contact NoIf the there is a contact person at the customer enter the contact no
ContactName of the contact will display automatically

Foreign Trade
EU 3-Party TradeIf the quote is a third party trade for Europe 
Transaction SpecificationEnter the transaction specification        
Transport MethodEnter the transport method
Exit PointEnter the exit point
AreaEnter the area.

Step 4:

After entering all information, click on the button Make order to convert the sales quote to a sales order.

Step 5:

to check if the sales order has been created go on the following menu.

Main Menu --> Department --> Sales & Marketing --> Order Processing --> Sales Order

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Creation of purchase quote on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today we will learn how to create a purchase quote then proceed to make it a purchase order. Some companies they do not generate purchase order directly for any purchases they take quotation from different supplier and the best quotation will be converted to purchase order.

Step 1:

to create a purchase quote go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Purchasing --> Order Processing --> Purchase Quotes

Step 2:

Click on the button New.

Step 3:

Vendor NoEnter the Vendor No
Vendor NameThe name of the vendor will appear automatically
Quotation NoEnter the quotation number you received
ContactIf the vendor has a specific contact person
Document DateEnter the document date
Order DateEnter the order date
Request Receipt DateEnter the receipt date
Vendor Order NoEnter the vendor order number
Vendor Shipment NoEnter the vendor shipment number
Purchaser CodeEnter a purchase code if there are
Campaign NoEnter the campaign no if there are
Alternate Vendor Address CodeEnter if the vendor has an alternate address
Responsibility CenterEnter the location of the vendor
StatusThis shows the status of the order
TypeEnter the type you wish to use 
NoEnter the type number
DescriptionThe name of the type will be display automatically here
Location CodeEnter location Code
QuantityEnter the quantity
Unit of MeasureEnter the unit of measure
Direct Unit Cost Excl VATEnter the unit cost
Line Amount Excl VATIt will take the quantity * unit cost
Line Discount %If you want to give a discount in term of percentage
Line Discount AmountIf you want to give a discounted amount
VAT Prod Posting GroupEnter the VAT type

Invoice Detail
Currency CodeEnter the currency code
Expected Receipt DateEnter the delivery date
Price Including VATIf you want to enter the price including vat
VAT Bus posting GroupEnter the VAT Bus Posting Group
Payment Terms CodeEnter the Payment Term Code
Payment Method CodeEnter the Payment Method Code
Transaction TypeEnter the transaction type
Payment Discount %
Enter if there are payment discount
Pmt Discount DateEnter the payment discount date
Shipment Method CodeEnter the shipment method code
Payment ReferenceEnter Payment Reference
Creditor NoEnter the creditor number
On Holdstate if it is on hold
Shipping and Payment
Ship-toIf you want to ship to another location
NameEnter location name
AddressEnter ship to address
Address 2Enter ship to address
Post CodeEnter ship to post code
CityEnter ship to city
Country/RegionEnter ship to region
ContactEnter if there is a contact person to the shipment location
Pay-toIf you want to pay the vendor on another name
NameEnter vendor name
AddressEnter vendor address
Address 2Enter vendor address
Post CodeEnter vendor post code
CityEnter Vendor city  
Country/RegionEnter vendor country
Contact NoIf vendor has a contact person enter contact no   
ContactContact person name will display automatically

Foreign Trade
Transaction SpecificationEnter the transaction specification
Transport MethodEnter the transport method
Entry PointEnter the entry point
AreaEnter the area

Step 4:

proceed to make the purchase quote to a purchase order.

Click on the button Make Order.

Step 5:

to check if the purchase order has been created, go on the following menu.

Main Menu --> Department -->  Purchasing --> Order Processing --> Purchase Order.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Change Report on Post and Print Button On Microsoft Dynamics Navision Business Central.

Dear Friends,

Today we will learn how to configure report on post and print button on different journal.

1. Go to the following menu if you want to change for the following:

a.) Purchase Order
b.) Purchase Quote
c.) Purchase Invoice
d.) Purchase Credit Memos
 and any thing related to purchase.

Main Menu --> Departments --> Purchasing --> Order Processing --> Setup --> Report Selection Purchase

On the field usage you need to choose which page you wish to put the report. when you have already select the page then enter the report id in the field report id.

2. Go on the following menu if you want to change for the following:

a.) Sales Order
b.) Sales Quote
c.) Sales Invoice
d.) Sales Credit Memos

and any thing related to sales.

Main Menu --> Departments --> Sales & Marketing --> Order Processing --> Setup --> Report Selection Sales.

Setup is same as purchase.

3. Go on the following menu if you want to change for bank reconciliation and check printing.

Main Menu --> Departments --> Administration --> General --> Report Selection Bank Account

setup is same as purchase.

4. Go on the following menu if you want to change for the following:

a.) Transfer Order
b.) Transfer Shipment
c.) Transfer Receipt

Main Menu --> Department --> Administration --> IT Administration --> Report --> Report Selection Inventory.

Setup is same as purchase.
