Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Creation of G/L Account on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Hello Friends,

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a G/L account on business central. A general ledger account is used to debit and credit amount while a list G/L Account is know as a chart of account.

Step 1:

To create a G/L Account go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> General Ledger --> Chart of account.

Step 2: 

Click on the button New and fill the required information

NoEnter the number of the G/L Account
NameEnter the name of the G/L Account
Name 2If the name is long, split the name and enter the second part here
Vendor NameIf the G/L account is linked with a vendor enter the vendor name
Bank Account NoIf the G/L account is linked with a bank account no enter the account no 
Income/BalancePrecise whether the account is an income statement or a balance sheet
Account CategorySelect an account category
Account SubcategorySelect an account subcategory
Debit/CreditAlways enter both
Account TypeSelect an account type
TotalingWhen you will indent the chart of account the totaling field will be populated automatically
Search NameIf you want to enter a search name for the G/L account
Direct PostingIf this field is checked, mean you can post transaction in the G/L Account
BlockedIf the G/L account is no longer in use, you can blocked it so that it will not appear in trial balance
Gen. Posting TypeEnter a General Posting Type
Gen. Bus. Posting GroupEnter a General Business Posting Group
Gen. Prod Posting GroupEnter a General Product Posting Group
VAT. Bus. Posting GroupIf the G/L Account is taxable enter the VAT Business Posting Group
VAT. Prod. Posting GroupIf the G/L Account is taxable enter the VAT Product Posting Group
Consol. Debit Acc.If consolidation need to be done, enter the Debit Account
Consol. Credit Acc.If consolidation need to be done, enter the Credit Account

Click on OK to close.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Creation of Inventory Posting Setup on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today in our tutorial we will learn how to setup inventory posting. This setup determines the inventory account in the general ledger to which the program posts for transactions involving this item (any transaction related to Item Inventory).

Step 1:

To do the setup go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Inventory Posting Setup

Step 2: 

Click on the button New and fill the required information.

Location CodeEnter the location
Inv. Posting Group CodeEnter the inventory posting group
DescriptionEnter a description
Inventory AccountEnter the inventory G/L account
Inventory Account (interim)If you want to use an interim account during good receive enter the G/L Account here
WIP AccountIn case you are you work in progress, enter the work in progress G/L Account
Material Variance AccountEnter the Material Variance G/L Account
Capacity Variance AccountEnter the Capacity Variance G/L Account
Mfg. Overhead Variance AccountEnter the Manufacturing Overhead Variance G/L Account
Cap. Overhead Variance AccountEnter the Capacity Overhead Variance G/L Account
Subcontracted Variance AccountEnter the subcontracted variance G/L Account

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Creation of Inventory Posting Group on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Hello friends,

Today we will learn how to create an inventory posting group.

Step 1:

To proceed with the creation go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Inventory Posting Group.

Step 2:

Click on the button New and fill the following information.

CodeEnter a code for the posting group
DescriptionEnter a description

Click on OK to close

Creation of Bank Account Posting Group on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

In this tutirial we will learn how to create a bank account posting group. This setup is a link between a bank account and a G/L Account.

Step 1:

To create the posting group go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Bank Account Posting Group.

Step 2:

Click on the button New and fill the information.

CodeEnter a code to the posting group
G/L Account No.Enter the G/L Account correspond to the posting group

Click on OK to close.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Creation of Vendor Posting Group on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

Today we will learn how to create vendor posting group. This setup shows which G/L account will post the transaction involving the vendor. This posting group defines account for payable, service charge, payment discount account, interest, additional fees and invoice rounding amount.

Step 1:

To create the posting group, go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Vendor Posting Group

Step 2: 

Click on OK and fill all the necessary information.

CodeEnter a code for the vendor posting group
DescriptionEnter a description
Payable AccountEnter the payable G/L account
Service Charge AccountEnter the service charge G/L account
Debit Rounding AccountEnter the rounding G/L account when doing a debit
Credit Rounding AccountEnter the rounding G/L account when doing a crebit
Debit Curr. Appln. Rndg. AccountEnter the G/L Account to post rounding differences when applying different currencies
Credit Curr. Appln. Rndg. AccountEnter the G/L Account to post rounding differences when applying different currencies

Click on OK to close

Creation of Customer Posting Group in Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a customer posting group and which G/L account to associate with the posting group. 

The customer posting posting group determines which G/L Account will post the transaction involving the customer. The customer posting group specifies the G/L Account for customer receivable, service charge, payment discount amount, interest, additional fees and invoice rounding amount.

Step 1:

To create a customer posting group, go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Customer posting group.

Step 2:

Click on the button New and filled all the required information.

CodeEnter a code for the customer posting group
DescriptionEnter a description
Receivable AccountEnter the receivable G/L account
Service Charge AccountEnter the service charge G/L account
Debit Rounding AccountEnter the rounding G/L account when doing a debit
Credit Rounding AccountEnter the rounding G/L account when doing a credit
Debit Curr. Appln. Rndg. AccountEnter the G/L Account to post rounding debit differences when applying different currencies
Credit Curr. Appln. Rndg. AccountEnter the G/L Account to post rounding credit differences when applying different currencies

Click on on OK to close.

Creation of a Deferral Template in Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

In today's lesson, we will learn how to create a deferral template but first of all lets see what is the word deferral means in the world of accounting. A deferral is always consider as a amount that was paid or received but it cannot be reported on the current income statement, since it will be an expense or revenue for a future accounting period.

The amount will be deferred to a balance sheet account until a future accounting period when it will be transferred to the income statement.

Step 1:

To create a deferral template go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Deferral Template.

Step 2:

Click on the button new to create a template and fill all the required information

Deferral CodeEnter a code for the deferral
DescriptionEnter a description
Deferral AmountEnter the deferral Amount
Deferral %Enter the deferral % normally we deferred at 100%
Calc. MethodEnter the calculation method of the deferral template
Start DateEnter when the deferral template will start
No of PeriodsEnter the number of period
Period DescAdd a description for the period

Click on OK to close.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Setting up Gen Posting Setup on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

This tutorial will provide you an overview on how to configure the General Posting Setup. This setup is done by doing a combination of the Gen. Business Posting Group and Gen. Product Posting Group and their associated G/L Account.

Step 1:

To proceed with the configuration of the General Posting Setup, go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Gen. Posting Setup

Step 2: 

Click on the button New and add the following details.

Gen. Bus Posting GroupEnter the Gen. Business Posting Group
Gen. Prod Posting GroupEnter the Gen. Product Posting Group
DescriptionEnter a description
Sales AccountIf it is a sales invoice enter the sales G/L account
Sales Credit Memo AccountIf it is a sales credit memo then enter the sales credit memo G/L Account
Sales Line Disc. AccountIf on the sales invoice line there is a discount enter the sales line discount G/L Account
Sales Inv. Disc. AccountIf the sales invoice contain a discount enter the sales invoice discount G/L Account
Sales Prepayments AccountIf prepayment is being done on sales invoice enter the sales prepayments G/L Account
Purch. AccountIf it is a purchase invoice enter the purchase G/L Account
Purch. Credit Memo AccountIf it is a purchase credit memo then enter the purchase credit memo G/L Account
Purch. Line Disc. AccountIf on the purchase invoice line there is a discount enter the purchase line discount G/L Account
Purch. Inv. Disc AccountIf the purchase invoice contain a discount enter the purchase invoice discount G/L Account
Purch. Prepayments AccountIf prepayment is being made on purchase invoice enter the purchase prepayments G/L Account
COGS AccountEnter your cost of good sold / cost of sale G/L Account
Inventory Adjmt. AccountIf adjustment is being done on inventory, enter the inventory adjustment account
Direct Cost Applied AccountThis G/L Account is linked with purchase transaction
Overhead Applied AccountEnter the G/L account to post indirect post to income statement
Purchase Variance AccountEnter the purchase variance G/L Account
COGS Account (Interim)If you wish to pass through an interim account before impacting the COGS account, enter the interim G/L Account
Invt. Accrual Acc. (Interim)Enter the G/L Account for inventory expected cost transaction
Purch FA Disc. AccountEnter the G/L Account when giving a discount on a requisitioning of a Fixed asset

Setting up Gen. Product Posting Group on Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear Friends,

In this tutorial, we will learn how to setup the General Product Posting Group. This setup specifies what is being sold (item and resources) and what is being purchased (item).

Step 1:

To proceed with the setup go on the following page:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Gen. Product Posting Group.

Step 2:

Click on the button New and add the following information.

CodeEnter a code for the posting group
DescriptionEnter a description for the posting group
Def VAT Prod Posting GroupIf you wish to add a default VAT Posting Group
Auto Insert DefaultAlways check this field

Setting up Gen. Business Posting Group Microsoft Dynamics Nav Business Central

Dear friends,

Today's tutorial is on how to setup the General Business Posting Group. This setup shows who is sold to (Customer) and who is purchased from (vendor).

Step 1:

To proceed with the setup go on the following menu:

Main Menu --> Department --> Financial Management --> Setup --> Gen. Business Posting Group.

Step 2:

Click on the button New and add the following information.

CodeEnter a code for the posting group
DescriptionEnter the description of the posting group
Def. VAT Bus. Posting GroupIn case you wish to default a VAT posting group here
Auto Insert DefaultAlways ticked this field